HipHop N Fitness

COMING SOON - SUMMER 2012 (Rockville, MD)

Hip Hop Aerobics Workout 


Hip-hop dance is a full-body, high energy exercise that is suitable for both novices, first timers, beginners and advanced exercise enthusiast. Getting involved in hip-hop exercise class can provide pre-teens & teens with plenty of physical, mental and social benefits. While the content of each class will vary depending on the instructor, hip-hop can be a diverse way for you to get the exercise you need each day.  Optimum Body, LLC provides a unique combination of Hip-Hop Exercise combined with the rhythmic music of today's hottest Line Dancing steps. Producing a fun & stimulating environment that's a combination of fitness, weight management, conditioning and line dance steps within a heart pulsing exercise class.



Hip-hop exercise can be a fun and diverse way to get kids moving. Participating in regular activity can promote cardiovascular health in kids, improve stamina and endurance, build strong bones and muscles, encourage confidence, aid in weight management and release built-up energy. In addition to the physical benefits of hip-hop dance exercise, it can help kids develop social and teamwork skills, as well as set and accomplish goals. It can also become a healthy outlet for creativity and self-expression.  Source: Oct 20, 2011 | By Alexis Jenkins


While reaping aerobic benefits by engaging in hip hop exercise, your body can also benefit anaerobically. Your body works aerobically each time you perform a dance step. By pushing yourself to learn more complex moves and pushing your body to work past the point of a normal workout, you work your muscles anaerobically. To benefit anaerobically from hip hop exercise, ensure you are using proper technique and form when performing steps and movements. By doing so, you will increase muscle strength and improve flexibility.

Hip hop exercise movements combine isolated body movements with fluid, fast movements that require quick work and coordination of your muscles and extremities. Gain confidence by mastering the quick, choreographed movements or memorizing a dance routine while also improving coordination, balance and agility. Hip hop exercise is a form of dance and, according to Ace Fitness, dancing is an enjoyable, engaging activity that helps to reduce chronic fatigue and stress, and increase self-esteem and confidence. Start with a beginner class or video to learn basic steps and build self-confidence before moving on to more advanced moves and routines.

ACE Fitness: So You Think You Can Dance? Well, Now You Can
ACSM: Physical Activity Guidelines
ACE Fitness: What are the benefits of dance inspired workouts?

Hip-hop dance can burn up to 400 calories or more per hour, notes Dr. Howard LeWine of Brigham and Women's Hospital. This workout is nonstop movement that engages every muscle in your body and requires major core strength, which will help tone and sculpt your stomach. Most moves in hip-hop use a semi-squat position, engaging the entire lower-body, making it an effective way to tighten the butt and thighs. Hip-hop choreography often requires different movements from multiple body parts at once, which is an excellent mental workout. High-intensity dances like hip hop can provide your body with a number of health benefits, according to the Better Health Channel. For example, hip hop can condition your heart and lungs, increase aerobic fitness, improve mental functioning, improve coordination, flexibility, agility and coordination, and help in weight management and weight loss.

Hip-hop dance fitness classes are for anyone who wants a fun workout. No prior dance experience is needed to take a hip-hop dance exercise class, just a willingness to move your body to the beat. Many people steer clear of hip-hop classes because they think the movements will be too hard. Instructors will break down the moves and offer varying levels from beginner to advanced, making it easy for anyone to participate.

A hip-hop dance fitness class uses moves from urban, street and popular culture, set to classic to contemporary hip-hop and rap music. Most moves are performed on the upbeat opposed to the downbeat, giving hip-hop a loose yet sharp look. Shoulder shrugs, torso and hip isolations and knee lifts are all basic hip-hop moves. Hip-hop fitness classes simplify and stylize hip-hop dance moves to fit into a fitness format, where the choreography is taught without pause and builds in tempo.


Fitness Magazine: The Britney Spears Workout: How She Got Her Body Back
WOLDC News: D.C. Hip-Hop Fitness Classes Foster Community
Intelihealth: Dance Your Way to Fitness; Howard LeWine, M.D.
Article reviewed by Victoria Dugger Last updated on: Jun 9, 2010

A 125 lb. individual will burn approximately six calories per minute during exercise or 388 calories in one hour, according to A 150 lb. individual will burn around eight calories per minute or 465 calories in one hour of hip hop dancing.  Calorie expenditure through exercise is a very individual matter. The number of calories you burn during a workout will depend on your body weight, body fat percentage, muscle density, and intensity and duration of your exercise.

Better Health Channel: Health Benefits of Dance Activity Burn Tool




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